Canadian beef is a nutrient-rich food choice that provides consumers with 14 essential nutrients, including high quality protein, iron, zinc, and vitamin B12.


Beef has all 20 amino acids needed to make a complete protein. Protein does many things to keep the body strong and healthy. It makes hormones, and builds and repairs muscles.


Iron is an essential nutrient for all individuals throughout their lives. Iron builds red blood cells, helps cells work in the body, carries oxygen from the lungs to every cell in the body and helps brain work at its best. Heme iron, found in beef, is much better absorbed than the non-heme iron found in plants foods and eggs. Beef is a good source of iron. Including beef in the diet helps individuals meet the higher iron recommendations set by the Institute of Medicine.


Zinc supports the body’s immune system, growth and development and influences the activity of many hormones. Beef is an excellent source of zinc. Including zinc-rich foods, such as lean beef, is critical in achieving a balanced and nutritious eating pattern.


This vitamin is essential for the normal functioning of the brain and central nervous system. The only reliable source of this vitamin are foods of animal origin. Beef is an excellent source of vitamin B12.